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The Heart Of The New Testament

Throughout the centuries, many preachers have correctly observed that the Old Testament proclaims: "Jesus is coming!", the accounts of the gospel declare: "Jesus is here!", and the remainder of the New Testament teaches: "Jesus is coming again!" That's a wonderful way to summarize the entirety of God's inspired word. It's all about Jesus really!

I'd like to share a related study at this time specifically pertaining to the New Testament books. It should be no surprise that Jesus is mentioned in essentially every New Testament book; after all, He is the heart of the Bible, especially the New Testament. I find it interesting that we can see different aspects of His work and nature in every New Testament book. Please consider the following with an open Bible:

  • In Matthew, He is the "King of the Jews" (2:2). He was their true King, even though most rejected Him.
  • In Mark, He is a servant of God (10:45). He did not come to be served.
  • In Luke, He is "the Son of Man" (9:56).
  • In John, He is "the Christ, the Son of God" (20:31). Jesus was both mortal and divine.
  • In Acts, He is the ascended Lord (1:9-11). He will return in the same manner as He left.
  • In Romans, He is our Redeemer (3:24). His blood is the only thing that can truly cover or atone for sin.
  • In I Corinthians, He is the "firstfruit of those who have fallen asleep" (15:20). In other words, He was the first one--of many more to follow--to be raised from the dead never more to die.
  • In II Corinthians, He is our sin offering (5:21). He paid the ultimate price on our behalf.
  • In Galatians, He is the One who true believers are crucified with and who now lives in them (2:20).
  • In Ephesians, He is the source of "every spiritual blessing" (1:3). Those who are unwilling to be added to His glorious kingdom are truly missing out!
  • In Philippians, He is the One who strengthens His disciples and makes all things possible (4:13).
  • In Colossians, He is the head of the church and the preeminent One (1:18). There is none greater than Him in authority and power.
  • In I Thessalonians, He is the One who will return from heaven (4:15-18). All who have died will be raised; not a single soul will be overlooked.
  • In II Thessalonians, He is the Judge of the world (1:6-9). Those who do not know God and those who have not obeyed the gospel will suffer His eternal vengeance.
  • In I Timothy, He is the "one Mediator" (2:5). He is the perfect Mediator because of His relationship to mankind and deity.
  • In II Timothy, He is the One who will give out the crowns of righteousness on that final day (4:8). Paul was looking forward to receiving one, as should all the faithful.
  • In Titus, He is our "great God and Savior" (2:13).
  • In Philemon, He is the equalizer (V16). All people stand on equal ground at the foot of the cross. In other words, regardless of one's gender, education, ethnicity, social status, financial standing, etc., the gospel is for all!
  • In Hebrews, He is the great "High Priest of the good things to come" (9:11). Christ entered into heaven itself to appear before the Father on our behalf in order to put away sin via the sacrifice of Himself (10:24ff).
  • In James, He is the One who exalts the humble (4:10). Those who exalt themselves will be rejected by Him.
  • In I Peter, He is the One who "suffered for us, leaving us an example" (2:21).
  • In II Peter, He is the One who desires "that all should come to repentance" (3:9). The Lord is longsuffering with mankind in order to provide time for souls who are searching for truth to find it and come to repentance.
  • In I John, He is "the Word of life" (1:1). There is no abundant life without Christ!
  • In II John, He is the One rejected by the deceivers and anti-Christs (V7). Even though Jesus was perfect in every way, there were many who hated Him and refused to believe.
  • In III John, He is the personification of truth (V1-4). Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
  • In Jude, He is the One full of mercy (V21). Without the mercy of God, all would certainly perish (cf. I Pet. 5:18).
  • In Revelation, He is the victorious Lamb of God (5:6ff).

The sum of these truths provides a wonderful description of just who Jesus was (and is). Let us be reminded of these glorious truths frequently and praise God accordingly!

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