Title: PROOFS THAT THE SEXUAL SINS OF ROMAN CATHOLICISM HAVE EXISTED LONG BEFORE THE 40 YEARS ADMITTED TO BY PRIESTS OF TODAY - Part 1Subtitle: Roman Catholic Church officials are lying to their people today; they are telling them the stench of rotten sexual fruit coming from the Church today is occurring because the activist, militant homosexual movement has targeted the Church, starting about 40 years ago. The problem is not celibacy, they lie. We offer the proof of a book written in 1904, by an ex-priest who recognized the spiritual truth and finally left the Catholic Church after serving 30 years.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.
As the tsunami wave generated by the Pedophile Priest Scandal sweeps nearly every nook and cranny of the Roman Catholic Church -- shaking that church to its very foundations -- Catholic hierarchy is mounting a defense amongst their faithful. Priests and bishops alike are saying that the problem is most definitely NOT Celibacy, but, rather, is occurring because militant homosexuality has invaded the Catholic Church these past two generations (40 years), successfully undermining it and taking over its seminaries.
I am currently reading a book entitled, "Good-bye, Good Men", written by Michael Rose. While Rose does an excellent job in highlighting the gay culture that has taken over, and permeated, many Catholic seminaries of the day, he makes a fatal mistake. Rose assumes that the Roman Catholic Church prior to Vatican II is a spiritually rich, vibrant, robust, and holy Church.
Many, many Catholics today believe this lie.
In our video, "Catholicism: White Sepulcher 'Christianity' " we demonstrate that the Roman Catholic Church has been fighting the battle against sexual deviancy -- both homosexual and heterosexual -- since 1123 A.D., when the pope instituted Celibacy, that damnable "doctrine of devils" [1 Timothy 4:3], a doctrine originally conceived deep within the abyss of Hell during the time of the Satanic Babylonian Mysteries, approximately 2234 B.C.!
Celibacy IS THE issue, not only because it goes against all the normal, God-given sexual impulses of both man and woman, but because it is a "doctrine of devils" propagated by men whose "consciences are seared as with a hot iron". In every Mysteries Religion in which Celibacy was imposed, the priests and nuns fell quickly into sexual deviancy, both homosexual and heterosexual. The Babylonian Mysteries, the Greek Mysteries, and the Roman Mysteries, all provided ample historic proof of the practical rotten fruit of this system of priesthood. Yet, the pope in 1123 AD imposed this hellish system on the Catholic priesthood, driving its priests and nuns over the same cliff of sexual deviancy and hypocrisy with which the Babylonian, Greek, and Roman Mysteries priesthoods vainly struggled.
But, that is still only part of the story. According to 1 Timothy 4:3, men who teach Celibacy have "consciences that are seared as with a hot iron"; therefore, since the pope who instituted this system of celibacy had a seared conscience, he knew that he was producing a system that would produce sex-starved priests and nuns, with a great number of them actually becoming perverted.
Thus, he and his equally conscience-seared successors, created a system of spiritual rules that would give the predatory priest the advantage over his victim(s), using the Confessional most regularly. While in our video, we examine this issue in great detail, here we can cover only a couple of examples.
In order to demonstrate the historic fact that Catholic priests and nuns of every era have struggled in this area of sexual sin, deviancy, and personal hypocrisy, we offer the following book written in 1904, by an ex-priest who came out of Catholicism into the glorious Biblical Light of Jesus Christ, and who wished to thoroughly document his personal observations during his 30 years of living and serving in the Roman Catholic Church.
"Thirty Years In Hell: From Darkness To Light", by ex-priest Bernard Fresenborg, 1904, North-American Book House, St. Louis, Missouri.
"Roman Catholicism, as taught by our modern priests and inspired by the papal power at Rome is naught but the distant rumblings of an antiquated chariot of darkness, as the teachings of this MONARCHIAL creed has naught in view but the enslavement of reason for the financial gain and benefit of the "Robed" few who claim the right to think for the masses. For thirty years I was bound to this bewitching spirit of darkness by the chords of superstition and never dared to look above my blind superiors for wisdom ..." [Emphasis in the original]
At the very beginning, this ex-priest unwittingly put his finger directly on a fact of Witchcraft; Satan really does have a "spirit of Catholicism", a demonic being he appointed as an overlord to be directly responsible to him for the future of that Church. This mighty demonic being leads a host of demons that afflict and possess all who participate in the paganism of Catholicism.
Since Satan knows he must produce the Biblical False Prophet from a church thought to be "Christian" and whose leader pretends to be "Christian" [Revelation 13:11b], he knew he must move a genuinely Christian church into a practice of the same type of Witchcraft that Antichrist will practice. Since we know from Daniel 8:23-25 that Antichrist will practice Black Magick Witchcraft, Satan must move this church into Black Magick.
Thus, we quite accurately play-act in "Catholicism: White Sepulcher 'Christianity' " video as the demonic overlord Satan has assigned to this church. Therefore, when ex-priest Bernard Fresenborg speaks of falling under the spell of a "bewitching spirit of darkness", he unwittingly, and correctly, placed his finger directly on one of the fundamental issues of the past 1,500 years in the Church of Rome! Once a child has gone through Baptism, his parents have given "legal spiritual authority" for demons to afflict that child. Every succeeding Catholic family is unwittingly practicing Generational Witchcraft, in which the demons are passed down to each following generation.
When a person blasphemously eats the Catholic wafer and drinks the wine, that person is inviting the "bewitching spirit" of Catholicism to enter him or her. When a person partakes in the blasphemous Mass, that person gives Satan the right to demonically possess them! These are facts well known in the realm of White and Black Magick Witchcraft. Only the poor Catholic parishoner is left in the spiritual darkness, not knowing what has happened to him and his family.
"Catholicism begins to teach her children from their infancy that no act of their officials is impure; thus their followers grow up to believe that any advancement made by these officials are made in behalf of the salvation of their souls, consequently, it is an easy matter for the Priestcraft to make the female members of their congregation believe that whatever they may do or say is done and said through a righteous motive, and no stigma of disgrace can possibly attach itself to the act."
"With this erroneous doctrine funneled into the minds of the female members of the Catholic Church, is it any wonder that the Priestcraft exerts a wonderful power over these members? And is it any wonder that thousands of trusting and confiding wives and daughters are forced to the level of immorality by this belief?" [Page 238-239]
As we stated in "White Sepulcher Christianity", priests have always preyed upon young girls and married women using the Confessional as their main weapon. Further, we stated that, when the pope declared Celibacy in 1123 AD, he knew he would be subjecting his priests and nuns to all manner of unfulfilled sexual lusts; therefore, he and popes after him consistently wrote and re-wrote the spiritual rules which would give the advantage to a cunning priest in the confessional. This rule is one of the major rules that give the predatory priest unfair advantage over the woman -- and young boy -- victim.
Therefore, priests can falsely "assure" their targeted victims that nothing they did with them was sin! Even though sex outside marriage is sin for everyone else, it is not sin when a priest does it!
Further, even if the victim believes sex outside marriage is still sin, even if it is a priest doing it, the priest has yet another weapon in his supplied arsenal of special spiritual rules. He can falsely assure the victim that he can go from the bed to the church, where he can put on his robes to become the Vicar of Christ, and can then forgive her of the sins she has just committed with him! Thus, even as the woman or young boy is submitting to the priest's sexual lust, he or she can comfort their raging conscience with this "teaching of the Church", that they will be forgiven their sin within the hour.
This sequence of events can obviously go on without any end, and looks like this:
Priestly Lust - Coercion - Sex - Raging Conscience -- Priests Forgives The Victim of the Sin He/She Has Just Committed

However, if the priest can forgive sin, he can refuse to forgive the sin of his victim unless he or she gives in to his sexual desires. We emphasized this particularly heinous papal invention in our video that allows a priest to worm his way into the bed of a woman or small boy. When you can hold over the head of the victim the threat that her sins committed during the course of anyone's life will not be forgiven by the priest, unless she gives in to his sexual desires, is a most powerful weapon in the hands of a cunning predatory priest.
This picture accurately depicts the reaction of a young female victim immediately after the priest has told her that he will not forgive her of her sins unless she relents and has sex with him. Notice the halo of "holiness" above the priest's head, signifying the other Church Tradition that a priest cannot commit sin, even if he is doing that which is sin to another person.
Elsewhere in this book, Bernard Fresenborg relates the statement by a very successful businessman from St. Louis. This well educated, erudite businessman said with a straight face, "Father Coffey is a Catholic priest and I have nothing to say, and if he should spit in my face, I would not resent the action, as I was born and raised a Catholic, and do not believe that a Catholic priest can commit a sin." [Page 245]
Isn't it terribly convenient that a priest can make his male or female victim believe this lie, causing them to thus submit to their sexual vice?
CHAPTER XIV. -- The Chastity of the Home Invaded by the Lustfulness of the Priest-Craft.
"Catholicism begins to teach her children from their infancy that no act of their officials is impure; thus their followers grow up to believe that any advancement made by these officials are made in behalf of the salvation of their souls, consequently, it is an easy matter for the Priestcraft to make the female members of their congregation believe that whatever they may do or say is done and said through a righteous motive, and no stigma of disgrace can possibly attach itself to the act."
"With this erroneous doctrine funneled into the minds of the female members of the Catholic Church, is it any wonder that the Priestcraft exerts a wonderful power over these members? And is it any wonder that thousands of trusting and confiding wives and daughters are forced to the level of immorality by this belief?" [Page 238-239]
This statement confirms the revelations about which we talked, above. However, we repeat them here for both emphasis and clarity.
One of the fervent desires of both a mother and father is that that their son would enter the priesthood and their daughter into the service of nuns. Many priests and nuns of every era were literally groomed from earliest childhood to enter the appropriate Catholic vocation. Most girls go into training to be a nun with the most naive of understandings.
Therefore, the following story of a nun's experiences relating to their "holy" priests would be most shocking to a young, impressionable nun. Listen to this nun's story to Fresenborg:
"It was customary with the sisters in our convent to give the bishop and priests of my diocese a grand dinner once every year. Of course, this entailed a great deal of extra work upon our part; however, we were glad to undergo these hardships, as I thought at that time that it was a part of my religion. The finest delicacies of the season and the choicest wines graced the table. The dinner was always served in the dining room of the priest of the house. The bishop would usually arrive along in the afternoon about two or three o'clock. We would spread scarlet felt upon the floor of the cloister in honor of the occasion, and the drawing room would be banked with the rarest flowers; the dining table would groan beneath its rich silver and cut-glass." [Page 239-240]
Now, bear in mind that what I am have just told you is what happened when there were a number of priests together with their bishop in their midst, and it is a well known fact that the adage, "safety in numbers" is often a check to the actions and ungodly inclinations of many; but if what this nun related is true, with an assemblage of a score or more of priests, with their bishop in their midst, then what could be expected of one of these priests alone in the presence of a female whom he preferred? I make this statement so that the reader can draw an intelligent conclusion. I will now proceed with the nun's story:
"This annual dinner would be made an occasion for great rejoicing and recreation on the part of the holy ecclesiastics. Everything was all right as long as the meal was in progress, but as soon as the sisters who had waited on them had withdrawn,
after placing an abundance of wine, whiskey and cigars on the table, then all restraint would be set aside and these 'holy' fathers would then exchange confidences as to the latest items of news they had gathered in the confessional from Catholic servants employed in Protestant families, and, without mentioning any names, would repeat, amid shouts of drunken laughter, the sins that some of their female penitents had confessed."
"We nuns would often put our ears to the keyhole and listen to the stories that were being told by the priests, and upon my word, I never in all my life heard as many dirty, immoral, filthy stories told as these vagabond priests would repeat, and it always seemed as though the bishop heartily enjoyed them." [Page 241; Emphasis added]
"These carousals would proceed for hours. The whiskey bowl would be placed in the center of the table, then these drunken priests would sing songs which were vileness personified." [Ibid.]
If you are Roman Catholic, did you expect that your personal confessions would remain inviolate, that the priest to whom you had confessed your innermost thoughts, sins, and fantasies, would never, ever divulge them to another human being? This story demonstrates that the priests do have "consciences seared as with a hot iron", and that, when they get together in a "good 'ole boys' network" as this dinner, they not only divulge the sins they heard in the confessional, they revel in the confessed sin, much as any "voyeur" would do. In fact, a good many priests turn into sexual voyeurs because of the intimate sins confessed in the Confessional, another very good reason that God never, ever instituted such a device. Did you know that? In Judaism, God never commanded the Confessional; it was left to the Babylonian Satanic Mysteries to invent this hellish device. [Read "The Priest, The Woman, and The Confessional"]
Ex-priest Fresenborg then concludes: "I feel that it is not necessary for me to go further to convince any one of my readers that the lustfulness of the priestcraft is a menace to the chastity of womankind, for if this nun has told the truth, and which I know from past experiences is true, and which I also know is a recital that could be intensified ten thousand times over, if the whole truth could be told, but which cannot be told in this volume, as I have too much respect for my readers to recite what I have seen with my own eyes and what I have had repeated to me by broken-hearted "sisters" who have come to me with tears in their eyes and with sighs in their throats to tell me of their miseries." [Page 242]
Notice that Fresenborg is telling you that this practice of voyeur priests and sexually predatory priests could be "intensified ten thousand times over" throughout the Catholic priesthood. In other words, this type of practice is pretty common amongst the priests and their bishops. Is it any wonder, then, that neither bishops nor cardinals took any action to protect the innocent children in their parishes, nor to punish any of the criminal priests? This whole priesthood was as tight as any "good 'ole boy network" ever was!
Since the entire book, "Good-bye, Good Men" revolves around the seminaries of the Catholic Church, demonstrating how many of them have been taken over by gays, we wish to relate this story so you can see that sexual sin by seminarians is nothing new; it was known to be occurring in 1904. Listen:
"I know of a nun who spent many years in a convent, who declared that on many occasions the priests would come to the convent and demand that a number of the nuns even do worse than expose their entire person; however, I cannot conceive of a demand that would be more degrading than this of forcing those benighted souls to prostitute their persons for the gratification of those who pretend to be the followers of a crucified Christ ... In relating her experience, I understand that a nun who had been confined in a convent for years made the following declaration: 'The superior of the seminary would often come and inform us nuns that an order had been received from the Pope to request those nuns who possessed the greatest devotion and faith to perform some particular deeds, which he would name in our presence, but which no moral or decent person could ever endure to speak of, and I cannot repeat what these demands often were, as I would repeat these demands often were, as I would have to resort to language so filthy that it would blush the cheek of one who was hardened in sin'." [Page 243]
Can you believe the audacity of this priest? He would come to a nun's convent, horny as can be, seeking "whom he may devour". To prepare his victim to be pliable and willing, this seminary superior would come armed with a lie, that the Pope had declared that "those nuns who possessed the greatest devotion and faith" were expected to step forward to do the bidding of the seminary superior! As this nun related the incident, these favors were "some particular deeds, which he would name in our presence, but which no moral or decent person could ever endure to speak of, and I cannot repeat what these demands often were, as I would repeat these demands often were, as I would have to resort to language so filthy that it would blush the cheek of one who was hardened in sin".
In other words, a nun was expected to step forward to agree to go into private with the seminary superior to perform deeds of which he would inform her only once they were in private. Further, these deeds were so sexually filthy that one could not even describe them in public without violating the normal rules of civilized and Christian society!
Finally, notice that this nun used the word, "often" twice in her paragraph describing this scenario! This kind of hypocrisy is both unbelievable and almost unforgivable, for it would violate the sensibilities of a young innocent nun, causing her to lose her faith in Jesus Christ. After all, if a Father who was the head of a seminary, in charge of preparing young men to enter the "holy" priesthood, could come regularly calling to a nun's convent, to be able to demand sexual favors from nuns based on what the Pope supposedly ordered, then how could a nun hold to any kind of pure and holy faith?
If the priest could thus select various nuns at various visits to the nun convent, what is the difference between him and a man who visits the "Best Little Whorehouse In Texas" and who is able to select the girl with whom he shall bed? Hasn't this seminary supervisor just turned this nun's convent into his personal whorehouse, and made prostitutes of the nuns?
When you ask how a nun could capitulate to such desires, you are asking the same basic question as to how a woman could capitulate to a priest from a confessional, and as to how a young boy could submit to homosexual relations to a priest. This author, a priest himself for 30 years, states:
"We want to bring the history of Catholicism down as near to the present time as possible, so the reader may understand the confidence the "dupes" of Catholicism have in the priestcraft, for, as stated in a previous chapter of this book, it is a well-known fact that the feminine world in general have more confidence in humanity than the male population ..."

If a cunning priest could thus violate a naive woman in sexual matters, how much easier is it for such a priest to worm his way into bed with a young boy, 8-14 years of age, whose mental faculties and emotions are so immature that they cannot think their way through this situation. All they know is that a man who can commit no sin is demanding sex with them; all they can see is Jesus Christ Himself demanding that they have sex with them; as the priest is in the midst of committing abominable and unspeakable sex acts with this young boy, all the boy can see is Jesus Christ committing these acts!
Please look at the picture, above, once again. You can see a young woman depicted as exceedingly distraught and begging the priest for mercy. She has just been threatened with excommunication, a common threat for a predatory priest. The main reason she is so distraught is likely because she remembers well the Church teaching on Hell and damnation.
To illustrate how effective this fear conditioning is in the Catholic Church, let us reprint an Catholic Excommunication for you, word for word, so you may see for yourself what is likely going through this young girl's mind. Ex-priest Fresenborg explains how this threat of Excommunication is repeatedly turned against a young girl who is resisting the sexual appetite of the priest.
Printing this Excommunication word for word "... will further go to show the reader the vileness of this damnable creed, and which will also go to convince the reader what fear the followers of Catholicism have of the priestcraft, which will more fully convince you that timid, unsuspecting woman, who has been brought up to believe in the paganism of Catholicism, can be easily led to yield to the lustful desires of the priestcraft, for fear that by refusing his request that he would pronounce this terrible curse upon her, which she has been taught would forever damn her eternal soul."
"By the authority of God Almighty, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and the undefiled Virgin Mary, mother and patroness of our Savior, and all of the Celestial Virtues, Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim, and of all the Apostles and Evangelists, of the Holy Innocents, who in the sight of the Holy Lamb are found worthy to sing the new songs of all the Holy Martyrs and Holy Confessors, and of all the Holy Virgins, and of all the Saints, together with the Holy Elect of God, may he, Bernard Fresenborg, be damned!
"We excommunicate and anathematize him from the threshold of the Holy Church of God Almighty. We sequester him, that he may be tormented, disposed, and be delivered over with Dathan and Abiram, and with those who say unto the Lord, 'Depart from us, we desire none of thy ways;' as a fire is quenched with water, so let the light of him be put out for ever more, unless it shall repent him and make satisfaction!
"May the Father, who creates man, curse him!
"May the Son, who suffered for us, curse him!
"May the Holy Ghost, who is poured out in baptism, curse him!
"May the Holy Cross, which Christ for our salvation, triumphing over his enemies, ascended, curse him!
"May the Holy Mary, ever Virgin and the Mother of God, curse him!
"May St. Michael, the Advocate of the Holy Souls, curse him!
"May all the Angels, Principalities and Powers, and all Heavenly Armies curse him!
"May the glorious band of the Patriarchs and Prophets curse him!
"May St. John the Precursor, and St. John the Baptist, and St. Peter, and St. Paul, and St. Andrew, and all other of Christ's Apostles together, curse him!
"And may the rest of the Disciples and Evangelists, who by their preaching converted the universe, and the holy and wonderful company of Martyrs and Confessors, who by their works are found pleasing to God Almighty; may the holy choir of the Holy Virgin, who, for the honor of Christ, have despised the things of the world, damn him!
"May all the Saints from the beginning of the world to everlasting ages who are found to be beloved of God, damn him!
"May he be damned wherever he be, whether in the house or in the alley, in the woods or in the water, or in the church!
"May he be cursed in living and dying!
"May he be cursed in eating and drinking, in being hungry, in being thirsty, in fasting and sleeping, in slumbering, and in sitting, in living, in working, in resting, and.....and in blood-letting!
"May he be cursed in all the faculties of his body!
"May he be cursed inwardly and outwardly!
"May he be cursed in his hair; cursed be he in his brains and his vertex, in his temples, in his eyebrows, in his cheeks, in his jaw bones, in his nostrils, in his teeth and grinders, in his lips, in his shoulders, in his arms, in his fingers!
"May he be damned in his mouth, in his breast, in his heart, and appurtenances, down to the very stomach!
"May he be cursed in his .....and his ...........in his thighs, in his..........and his ........... and in his knees, and his legs, and his feet, and toe-nails!
"May he be cursed in all his joints and articulations of the members; from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet may there be no soundness!
"May the Son of the living God, with all the glory of His majesty, curse him!
"And may Heaven, with all the powers that move therein, rise up against him, and curse and damn him, unless he repent and make satisfaction! Amen! So be it! Be it so! Amen! Amen! Amen!" [Page 249-251]
Now, that is a curse!
If a young woman, or a younger boy, is even remotely threatened by a predatory priest with eternal damnation by Excommunication, that person is likely to think twice about further resistance to the priest's demands. Let us allow ex-Father Fresenborg the last word.
This sexual predatory nature of the priests is father enhanced because "the priestcraft in general are men who are above the average in intellect, and are men whom I believe have often had had the same thoughts relative to the doctrines of Catholicism that I had long, long years before I cut loose from the teachings of Rome; however, the priestcraft is not to be excused from their raid upon virtue by ignorance, as they taught the lessons of chastity in their childhood, but the bond of celibacy which binds them in an unnatural way, and the hellish doctrines taught by the Catholic Church that the priestcraft cannot sin, turns them into pirates upon virtue."
"When we take into consideration the fact that all of the teachings of Catholicism lead to not only implicit confidence in the purity of the priestcraft, but carry with them the cudgel of destruction of the soul of her followers, if they do not submit to her teachings and demands, we can then realize why it is that the chastity of the home becomes a rendezvous for those of the priestcraft who deliberately ravish virtue to gratify their inhuman lust." [Page 252]
Let us repeat what he just said about the effects of Celibacy:
"... the bond of celibacy which binds them in an unnatural way, and the hellish doctrines taught by the Catholic Church that the priestcraft cannot sin, turns them into pirates ..."
"... if they do not submit to her teachings and demands, we can then realize why it is that the chastity of the home becomes a rendezvous for those of the priestcraft who deliberately ravish virtue to gratify their inhuman lust."
We reiterate what ex-Father Fresenborg said about the compassion he felt towards those precious souls for whom Jesus Christ died. They are literally wearing the heavy yoke of Satan around their necks, not the light, precious yoke of Jesus, the Lover of Our Souls. Oh, that Catholics would awaken today because of this sex scandal to see the Catholic Church for the abomination of Babylonian practices it has always been.
Listen to Jesus describe the life He has for you:
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." [Matthew 11:29-30; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
All of us wear one of these two supernatural yokes about our neck; we either wear the light, gracious yoke of Jesus Christ or the harsh, terrifying yoke of Satan. The yoke around the neck of each Roman Catholic adherent is of the latter, and it does break our hearts. Won't you throw off this Roman yoke to accept the one offered by the genuine Savior?
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.
If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.
We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.
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