-False Religions-
-False Religions-"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." —Mark 13:22
Religion is the WORST thing that has ever happened to this world; Countless Billions of souls have been doomed to Hellfire by false religion. Learn what the Bible has to say on the matter. I expose many false religions... not to be unkind... but because the truth has been hidden from the world's masses. Just remember, religion didn't die on the cross for you—Jesus Christ did!
There's so much Corruption in the World, why Criticize Religion? | Accepting Different Religions?
The BEST place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS!
Romans 10:3-4, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." |
Titus 1:10-13, “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith.” |
Is religion DEAD in America? I HOPE SO!
The BEST way to expose darkness is to shine the Light of God's Word upon it!
The TRUTH can be dealt with; but a lie cannot.
“It's better to have no religion than the wrong religion.” —Dr. Jack Hyles
“A demonic spirit's favorite activity is making a person feel religious without an understanding of the Word of God.” —Pastor Max D. Younce
Although a free nation is one in which its citizens have a right to disagree with each other; God will not bless a nation that disagrees and rebels against His Word. Freedom is being able to make our own choices; Liberty is the reward for making the right choices. Tragically, Americans have overwhelmingly chose to worship false gods; rather the God of the Bible, because they are following doctrines of devils (1st Timothy 4:1) instead of the doctrine of Christ (2nd John 1:9).
Whether there is a God or not — both possibilities are frightening!
Learn the sickening truth at "www.muhammadspeaks.com" (claims that all Caucasians are evil)
Black Muslims are Racists! (calls whites an evil race of people!)
The Black Muslim Religionn EXPOSED! (they claim whites were created by blacks in a laboratory)
"Allah" is the name of a "Moon-god" (The average Muslim has been kept in the dark by the Mullahs and Imams who would lose their power if the truth ever got out!)
I Love Black Muslims (Jesus died for them too!)
Buddha Insanity While People Dying | Buddha Devil Worship (Buddhism is satanic!)
The Buddha and what he taught | Buddhism | Buddhism Exposed!
An Orangutan with a Dream House? | A Tract for Buddhists (PDF file)
Theravada Buddhism | Religion is the Worst Thing that Ever Happened!
Christian Science
Unchristian "Christian Science" EXPOSED! | The Deity of Jesus Christ (what the Bible teaches. There is nothing “Christian” nor “scientific” about Christian Science. It's like grapenuts, which contains neither grapes nor nuts.)
Christian Science is of the Devil (Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, was an associate of 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Steele Olcott who founded the Satan worshipping cult called the "Theosophical Society." Mrs. Eddy was married to a Freemason. She openly denied the Godhead and the Deity of Jesus Christ.)
A Non-Christian Religion (founded by heretic Mary Baker Eddy in 1879)
Christian Science Resource Page | Christian Science | Religion: The Occult Connection
Former Christian Scientists for Jesus Christ | Religion is the Worst Thing that Ever Happened!
Church of Christ Heresies (baptismal regeneration, no rapture, no millennium, lose salvation, etc.)
Eternal Security (To believe that you can lose your salvation, means that you believe certain “works” are necessary for a person to remain saved. This is a deadly heresy and one which leads to Hell. You had better trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior apart from all else! Eternal life is a GIFT from God, based solely on Christ's righteousness.)
Church of Christ Cult | The Church of Christ is Preaching Another Gospel
Christian Church (Churches of Christ) EXPOSED! | DANGER: The Church of Christ!
101 QUESTIONS FOR CAMPBELLITES (otherwise known as "The Church of Christ," or "The Disciples of Christ," who believe that Water Baptism is essential to salvation in Jesus Christ)
International Churches of Christ (Boston Church of Christ) -Exposed!
Baptismal Regeneration (by C. H. Spurgeon) | The Demonic Church of Christ Religion
Baptismal Regeneration and Bible Salvation | Baptismal Regeneration
Episcopal Church
- Episcopalian Church Exposed! (requires keeping of the seven sacraments to be saved)
- The Anglican Church EXPOSED!
Greek Eastern Orthodox
- Greek Eastern Orthodox Church Exposed! (requires keeping of the seven sacraments to be saved)
- Orthodox Catholic Idolatry (see the Catholic Skull and Bones cross)
- Icon Worship is Satanic | Satanism in Orthodox Catholicism
- The Sinful Veneration of King Wenceslas (Devilish skull worship)
Hinduism (an overview of the book, "Death of a Guru") | Hinduism Exposed!
The Traitor (When a follower of Kali meets a man whose God has all power, he trusts Jesus as Savior. Based on a true story.)
What is Hinduism? (A Battle Cry Article - A simple description of what Hinduism is and what it teaches, from a Christian perspective.)
A Tract for Hindu's (PDF file) | Hinduism | India's Hindu gods Exposed!
Hinduism gave birth to these three religious factions: Jainism | Sikhism | Buddhism
Worship God | How We Got Here (red hot sermon on Humanism by Dr. Jack Hyles)
HUMANISM: The Atheist's Religion | Scientific Evidence for Creation | What's Wrong with Psychology?
So-called "Christian" Psychology is Deadly (Astrology is not a religion or a faith. The modern science of Psychology, which is the realm in which many contemporary people explore their sprits, was born of Astrology.)
Psychiatry is Bad! | Psychologists and Psychiatrists are Quacks | Say "No" to Psychiatry!
Psychology Verses the Bible | The Impervious Sinner | Myths of Origin and the Theory of Evolution
Human Wisdom Verses Divine Wisdom (excellent 30 minute MP3 audio sermon by Pastor Max. D. Younce)
Let's Get Them Before They Do (By Pastor Tom Wallace) | Teach Your Children About Sin
Christianity and Humanism | Secular Humanism | Humanism - Political and Religious Beliefs
The Consequences of Humanism | Humanism is EVIL! | What is Humanism?
"ISLAM is a RELIGION in which god (Allah) DEMANDS YOU SEND YOUR SON to DIE for HIM; CHRISTIANITY is the FAITH in which GOD SENT HIS SON to DIE FOR YOU" --Attorney General John Ashcroft in an interview with Cal Thomas
Judaism is Satanic! (Read why they DON'T believe in Jesus)
Jewish Talmud Permits Adult Sex with 3-year Old Children! (see Boys Town Abuse!)
Judaism Exposed! (Judaism denies that Jesus is the Messiah)
The Bible Calls Judaism and Islam Liars (both false religions reject the Savior; but both will embrace the Antichrist)
The Connection Between Judaism and Freemasonry | The Talmud Exposed
John Hagee's Israel Heresy! (read Jewish Rabbi, Shraqa Simmons' article, WHY WE DON'T BELIEVE IN JESUS.)
Freemasonry and Judaism: Secret Powers Behind Revolution (by Vicomte Leon De Poncins)
Books available by Pastor Texe Marrs:
All Hail the Master Jewish Race! (by Pastor Texe Marrs) | Judeo-Christian? I Don't Think So!
"If the Old Testament is the Jewish Bible, How Can You Say that Judaism is Satanic?"
The Holocaust, a 20th Century Inquisition (From 'Smokescreens' by Jack T. Chick - The Holocaust was really a 20th century Inquisition in which the Nazis cooperated with the Catholic Church to exterminate the Jews.)
The Great Cover-up Hiding Catholic Involvement in World War II (From 'Smokescreens' — Embarrassed by its World War II involvement with the Nazis, the Vatican began a huge cover-up to hide its true role.)
The Crazy Truth About Kabbalah | Truth About the Madonna Cult
The Occult Magic of the Jewish Cabala (by Texe Marrs) | Madonna Worships Satan!
Demon's Magic, and Mysticism in the Cabala (by Texe Marrs)
Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult -Kabbalah (four parts) | Kabbalah's Dark Secrets
Kaballah (Cabalah) Refuted | Going Kabbalistic! | Cabala's Pagan Origins
The Kabbalah EXPOSED! (Madonna spent $5,000,000 to build a Kabbalah center in London. Kabbalah is the basis upon which many occult groups are founded: Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Mormons, Illuminati, Knights Templar, et cetera. In addition to Madonna, celebrity Kabbalists include Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor, Demi Moore, Paris Hilton, Mick Jagger, Jeff Goldblum, Ivana Trump, and Roseanne Barr. Kabbalah is a branch of Jewish mysticism, which is thought to have originated in the 13th century. Its teachings come from a demonic ancient 23-volume book called the Zohar, which offers interpretations of the inner meaning of the Torah. Sorcery is common-place in the depraved religious rituals of cabalistic Judaism). Kabbalah is of the Devil.
The Harlots of THE MOTHER in Revelation 17:5
In Christian theology, Modernism is a hostile term used by its enemies to attack the tendency of Liberal Christianity toward revision of certain Christian doctrines such as the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection of Christ, or subjecting the Bible to the Higher Criticism. Modernism was the target of the Fundamentalists after 1910, and was an especially bitter issue in the 1920s. (see also, Liberal). Dr. John R. Rice on What Christians should do about Modernism. | Benjamin Franklin Was An Unsaved Modernist!
- How The Bible Estimates Modernists and How Christians Should Treat Them
- Modernism in the Church | Modernism EXPOSED! | Modernism Betrayed Me
- Attempts to Adapt Religious Ideas to Modern Culture and Modes of Thinking
Unificationism is a movement and worldview based on the teachings of the Unification Church, founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon (1920-), a religious minister who was raised in a Christian household in northern Korea. The Unification Church was officially named the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, abbreviated as HSA-UWC, but is now officially named as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Its followers are typically referred to as Unificationists.
Jerry Falwell Yoked with Sun Myung Moon (the Moonies) | Satan Joins the Moonies!
Fast Facts about the Moonies | Testimony of a Former Moonie Cultist | X-Moonies
Moonies "Unification Church" and the Occult | George Bush Sr. and the Moonies
Disturbing Articles about the Moonies (Satan's "Unification Church")
"The Family International/ Children of God" SEX CULT EXPOSED! (This group is very similar to the Moonies cult, but founded by a sicko named David Berg in the 1960's. This group is infamous for child molesting, religious prostitution and fornication. There was a massive herpes outbreak within the group in the 1980s. Those poor children!)
Daniel 11:38, “But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.”
United Pentecostal Churches EXPOSED! (This false religion requires baptism for salvation, rejects the Godhead (i.e., the Trinity), and teaches that speaking-in-tongues is necessary as evidence of salvation.)
Pentecostal Madness (Any man who believes that he must “maintain” his own salvation to keep it, by living a righteous life, is not saved! The heresy that a believer can lose salvation is rooted in self-righteousness.)
Not Chosen to Salvation (This is an excellent eye-opening book by Pastor Max D. Younce, who Biblically exposes the heresy of election to salvation, i.e., predestination to salvation. This book leaves no stone unturned, putting to shame the damnable teachings of such organizations as the Association of Charismatic Reformed Churches.)
Heretic Tom Brown EXPOSED! (This Pentecostal pastor states, “...a person is not justified by faith alone.”)
Ezekiel 18:24 Explained (Ezekiel 33:12-13 explains the meaning of Ezekiel 18:24)
Assemblies of God Heresies (They teach that salvation is by grace thru faith in Christ initially, but then is maintained by a life of faithfulness and continuing to believe in Christ. This is self-righteousness and an insult to Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for our sins. 1st Corinthians 3:15 proves them liars ... “If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” The Lordship Salvation crowd REQUIRES works to get saved, and the Charismatics REQUIRE works to stay saved—BOTH are rooted in self-righteousness!)
Benny Hinn's Failed Prophecies | Benny Hinn is a Fake! | Benny Hinn is a Catholic
Benny Hinn's Hidden Heresies! | Benny Hinn - False Prophet Alert | The 700 Club EXPOSED!
What's Wrong With The Assemblies of God? | Many More Articles on Charismatic Craziness
Gordon John Manche and Nations For Christ (a false Charismatic religion based in Malta)
Roman Catholicism: The Cult of Mary
"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." -Mark 7:7
"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." -Mark 13:22
The Roman Catholic Teaching on Salvation and Justification (refuted)
The Catholic Image of Divine Mercy and the New World Order
Roman Catholicism Exposed!
Russian Orthodox
Russian Orthodox Cult Exposed! (Russian Catholicism)
Orthodox Catholic Idolatry (see the Catholic Skull and Bones cross)
Catholic Idols (Exodus 20:3-5 forbids even bowing to an image of ANY kind.)
The Sinful Veneration of King Wenceslas (Devilish skull worship)
L. Ron Hubbard quote:
"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion"
Hubbard later created the Church of Scientology...
The CURSE of Scientology! (L. Ron Hubbard taught that the Christian faith is part of a brain implant, a false memory planted by an evil space alien. Hubbard taught reincarnation, denied the existence of Hell, and boldly stated “There is no Christ.” Hubbard even called renowned Satanist, Aleister Crowley, “My very good friend” (MP3). Scientology is a demonic New Age religion teaching that man is basically good and can become gods.)
What is “Scientology?” | Ron Hubbard the Nut! (his own son called him a big liar!)
Who is Ron Hubbard? | Hubbard and the Occult | Billions Going to Hell
Scientology: The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power | Ron Hubbard and Satanist Aleister Crowley (unbelievable)
False Religion of the Celebrities! (Since John Travolta became a Scientologist in 1975, he has been joined by other acting heavyweights, including Tom Cruise, Cruise's wife Nicole Kidman, Travolta's wife Kelly Preston, TV sitcom stars Kirstie Alley ("Cheers" and "Veronica's Closet"), Jenna Elfm an ("Dharma & Greg"), Elvis Presley's widow and daughter, and many other Celebrity Victims! including singer and mayor, Sonny Bono.)
Scientology Illustrated (See just how crazy this religion is)
SCIENTOLOGY - It's Worse Than You May Know! | Church of Scientology
James Van Praagh: Medium or Con-Man? | What You Didn't Know About Scientology
Scientology — The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power (numerous financial victims)
Seventh-Day Adventist
The HIDDEN Heresies of Seventh-Day Adventists! (Don't be fooled by this demonic religion—RUN!)
SDA's Works-Based Assurance Of Salvation (salvation is a new birth, not a process.)
The Seventh-Day Adventist Deception (Steve Wohlberg exposed!) | SDA Exposed! | Occult Connection
Seventh-Day Adventism is a False Religion (SDA's teach that Michael became Jesus, just as Jehovah's Witnesses do)
Steve Wohlberg's Delusions (Wiccan witches HIGHLY RECOMMEND Wohlberg's books attacking God's Word)
Facts Seventh-day Adventists Won't Tell You | The Clear Word Bible EXPOSED! (They've butchered the Bible!)
Seventh-day Adventist Cult Exposed | The Occult Roots of Seventh-day Adventism | The Truth About Hell
Seventh-Day Adventists are Very Sneaky (Why are SDA's so sneaky? It's because they know people will run away!)
Seventh-Day Adventist Outreach (Learn how to witness to Seventh Day Adventist cult members. If you are an Adventist, GET OUT AND GET WASHED IN THE BLOOD! Get the video they offer, “Seventh-Day Adventism: the Spirit Behind the Church.” False prophetess Ellen White is clearly exposed, who openly denied Christ's deity.)
The Truth About Seventh Day Adventists | Seventh Day Adventist Lies | Sabbath Keepers Exposed
Seventh-Day Adventists are NOT Christians | Seventh Day Adventism — Orthodox or Cult? | Beware!
Ellen G. White Exposed! | Seventh Day Adventist Cult | Investigative Judgment Exposed! | SDA Are Sneaky!
Ellen White Denied the Deity of Jesus | Seventh-Day Adventists Teach Jesus is Michael (JW's teach the same!)
Distortions in The Clear Word Bible Upholding Anti-biblical SDA Doctrines | SDA Resources | Walter Veith
Seventh-Day Adventists | License to Sin? | Baptismal Regeneration | Will the 'Real Jesus' Please Stand?
Seventh-Day Adventism Resource Page | Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced! | Ellen G. White Exposed
Is the Sabbath Day a Moral Law or a Ceremonial Law? (how can it be a moral law if it's only to be lived one day out of the week? It is a ceremonial law. There's only Nine Commandments!) | Putting White to the Test
A Refutation of Seventh-Day Adventist Teachings in Regard to the Sabbath | SDA's False Gospel
The 'Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregationalists' is ssatanic (A New World Order false cult, composed 25% of Jewish Judaizers who deny Christ altogether as the Messiah. UUA boasts of having atheists and humanists as members, and no one is every pressured to change. It's religion without truth, churchianity without Christianity (all the delights of a real church, but without the unpleasantness of preaching against sin or deception, and no Biblical convictions. Same-sex couples are welcomed as respected members. There's no preaching on salvation. UUA deny the deity of Jesus Christ, claiming he was merely a man and no more. UUA is World Religion).
Unitarianism Exposed! | What Is Unitarianism? | Unitarian Universalism EXPOSED!
“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers... Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.” —Titus 1:10,11
“When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.” —Proverb 26:25
False Doctrines | False Christs | False Prophets | False Bibles
Mankind is born with a SIN-NATURE. The ONLY Way for us to go to Heaven is that we must have our sins forgiven. Religion didn't die on the cross for you, Jesus did! Krishna, Buddha and other FALSE prophets didn't die upon the cross for you. Jesus Christ wasn't just a prophet, He was God Almighty in the flesh (John 1:1,14; 1 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 2:22,23 -King James Bible).Jesus shed His precious blood to pay for our sins (1 Peter 1:18,19). Jesus DIED, He was BURIED and He was RESURRECTED three days later. That's the gospel according to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.