What is the difference between Born again christian and roman catholic?
What is the difference between Born again christian and roman catholic?
Is there any big differences between a roman catholic and born again christian? My families were baptized in a Catholic church and so do I. I had confirmation when I was 14, I think. What makes me confused is I don't know who I really am as a roman catholic. I am religious. Praying the rosary is not enough for me. I feel like I'm not talking to Jesus because we keep on saying "Hail Mary full of Grace...." and "Our Father in Heaven, Holy be thy name...." That is why I can say that there is something missing. I'm not trying to be mean right now. We confess our sins by talking to our priests (Confession). I want to confess directly to Jesus and I don't even say those prayers (Hail Mary and Our Father). And I don't feel like I am a Roman Catholic. I don't really even understand why we have confirmation and why we have to pray the rosary at 6 pm.
I have few friends who are born again christian. One of them told me last night that to be born again is to receive Salvation, and be saved through receiving The Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, that we have to believe in Him, repent and follow Him. I want to begin a new life. The way I pray is different from them. I talk to Jesus, cry and confess my sins with all my heart. I'm scared that my parents will be mad at me because I am not fully roman catholic. I don't know any churches in Oslo, Norway. What must man do to be a born again christian and how can we baptized?
Jesus said these words in Mt 18:3-EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED, AND BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN, YE SHALL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Thus we have another condition on entering heaven. You (1) must be converted, and (2) you must become as little children. When you are born the second time, born of the Spirit, a conversion takes place in your attitude. By faith you begin to overcome all things. Your attitude changes. You begin to love the Word of God. You begin to hate sin and every evil way. You become converted from doing your will, to doing the will of God, and you must become as little children. In other words, your attitude must become childlike. You begin receiving correction as a little child from the Word of God. You quit striving about the Word of God. You quit being contentious regarding the Word of God, and receive God’s Word in a humble, meek, childlike attitude. You begin to let Jesus reign over you. Whatever you do should be compared with the Word of God. Few people will allow God’s Word to reign over them. They want their own way. They perish. You must be born-again. You must be converted. You must become as a little child, who receives correction from his parents gladly and willingly. You must do God’s will, or perish.
Some incorrectly think "to be converted" means to convert from (not believing in Jesus) to (believing in Jesus). Many believe in Jesus in their thoughts or mind, but they do not trust in Him or believe and trust in all the Bible. He is in their head but not in their heart. They know "of Him" but they do not personally "know Him." They are at best only lukewarm. They have little or no true commitment to Jesus.
Some may think it is being converted from something like Hinduism to Christianity. Wrong. Being converted is putting off the old man and putting on the new man. Many people profess that they are Christians, but they have never been converted to the new man. Many will perish at the judgment, perhaps claiming these words, "I am a Christian."
Just saying you are a Christian does not save you or convert you or cause you to be born-again.

I have few friends who are born again christian. One of them told me last night that to be born again is to receive Salvation, and be saved through receiving The Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, that we have to believe in Him, repent and follow Him. I want to begin a new life. The way I pray is different from them. I talk to Jesus, cry and confess my sins with all my heart. I'm scared that my parents will be mad at me because I am not fully roman catholic. I don't know any churches in Oslo, Norway. What must man do to be a born again christian and how can we baptized?
Jesus said these words in Mt 18:3-EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED, AND BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN, YE SHALL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Thus we have another condition on entering heaven. You (1) must be converted, and (2) you must become as little children. When you are born the second time, born of the Spirit, a conversion takes place in your attitude. By faith you begin to overcome all things. Your attitude changes. You begin to love the Word of God. You begin to hate sin and every evil way. You become converted from doing your will, to doing the will of God, and you must become as little children. In other words, your attitude must become childlike. You begin receiving correction as a little child from the Word of God. You quit striving about the Word of God. You quit being contentious regarding the Word of God, and receive God’s Word in a humble, meek, childlike attitude. You begin to let Jesus reign over you. Whatever you do should be compared with the Word of God. Few people will allow God’s Word to reign over them. They want their own way. They perish. You must be born-again. You must be converted. You must become as a little child, who receives correction from his parents gladly and willingly. You must do God’s will, or perish.
Some incorrectly think "to be converted" means to convert from (not believing in Jesus) to (believing in Jesus). Many believe in Jesus in their thoughts or mind, but they do not trust in Him or believe and trust in all the Bible. He is in their head but not in their heart. They know "of Him" but they do not personally "know Him." They are at best only lukewarm. They have little or no true commitment to Jesus.
Some may think it is being converted from something like Hinduism to Christianity. Wrong. Being converted is putting off the old man and putting on the new man. Many people profess that they are Christians, but they have never been converted to the new man. Many will perish at the judgment, perhaps claiming these words, "I am a Christian."
Just saying you are a Christian does not save you or convert you or cause you to be born-again.