To Muslim Men In Paradise(
If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by sexy-excalibur: 11:24pm On May 24, 2013 |
If Muslim men gets 72 virgins in paradise,,,what do Muslim women get?
I know this question sounds like I am being facetious,but I am truly curious here....what do female Muslims get when they reach paradise( ![]() ![]() |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Danfo(m): 11:26pm On May 24, 2013 |
A very good and apt question...actually,I've never thought of this until now...hmmmm
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by frederal(m): 11:36pm On May 24, 2013 |
1men=72women; maybe its a worthy prize. A man(not a virgin o) learned in arts of sexuality(sin).
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by manmustwac(m): 12:49am On May 25, 2013 |
sexy-excalibur:Good question but then its a mans world. I would like what the muslim women in the Islamic section have to say about this. |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by claim-me: 4:29am On May 25, 2013 |
How can one man sleep with 72 women? Na beans!
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Gudiza(m): 6:53am On May 25, 2013 |
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Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by sexy-excalibur: 12:49pm On May 25, 2013 |
No answer yet....... Hmm...
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Nobody: 3:01pm On May 26, 2013 |
sexy-excalibur: While a man will get many Hurs(virgins) in paradise, a women would be made the queen of paradise. Her beauty will far outshine the beauty of the hurs(virgins). Umme Salamah R.A narrates that she said to the prophet muhammad(PBUH) "O Rasûlullah, are the women of this world superior or the hûrs(Virgins)?" He replied, "The women of this world will have superiority over the hûrs(virgin) just as the outer lining of a garment has superiority over the inner lining." Umme Salamah R.A then asked, "O Rasûlullah, what is the reason for this?" He answered, "Because they performed 5 daily salah (prayer), fasted, and worshipped [Allah]. Allah will put light on their faces and silk on their bodies. [The human women] will be fair in complexion and will wear green clothing and yellow jewelry. Their incense-burners will be made of pearls and their combs will be of gold. They will say, 'We are the women who will stay forever and we will never die. We are the women who will always remain in comfort and we will never undergo difficulty. We are the women who will stay and we will never leave. Listen, we are happy women and we will never become sad. Glad tidings to those men for whom we are and who are for us.'" (Tabrânî) This will be the high position of the women of the world in Jannah. If a women had more than one husband, she will choose which one of them to stay with, and she will choose the one with the best character. As for those women who never married or their husband did not enter pardise, they will be allowed to marry whichever worldly man, they so wish, in Jannah. Thus every man in Jannah will have 2 wives from the world. And a man in paradise will have the strenght of 100 men,to satisfy all the women,according to the saying of our prophet Muhammad (pbuh). If we have full conviction in Allah's promise that he will fulfil our every desire in Jannah (paradise), then instead of worrying about what they will get in jannah, the women should concentrate their endeavours on pleasing Allah and thus getting to Jannah(paradise). As for pleasing us in Jannah, That is Allah responsibility, so he will do His and we should do ours. The greatest pleasure in Jannah for men and women will be the very pleasure of Allah. Everything else will be secondary. and Allah Knows Best 3 Likes |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by fellis(f): 11:59pm On May 27, 2013 |
^@lilbakar, Queen of paradise how? If all the Muslim women are going to queens that means their reward is nothing special. They still get the same husband they had on earth while their husbands get more wives.
So what time will the man have for his wife when he is busy with the other houris? 1 Like |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by sexy-excalibur: 11:02am On May 28, 2013 |
@lilbaker The woman gets stuck wt ha earthly husband....nd ha earthly husband gets anoda 72...... WOW..... What if she dies b4 d man....she has 2 wait tl d husbd dies 2 abi....or she would find sme male hurs 2 kp d queen busy while waiting 4 ha husbnd........ Stl makes no sense....i tnk she jst dnt have a reward.... U guys nid gender equality in ur paradise....
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by fellis(f): 11:19am On May 28, 2013 |
sexy-excalibur:There is no gender equality for muslim women on earth and unfortunately the situation is going to be the same for muslim women in paradise. 1 Like |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Nobody: 11:41am On May 28, 2013 |
@Op, please provide the proof for 72 virgins.
fellis: Actually, I don't see the inequality. I believe in the paradise. I believe in the satisfaction every one would get. Jealousy, hatred, etc would not be there. You should not use your earthly feelings to judge this. I used to think that way too. But I don't see that anymore. If you want something special, to differentiate you from other women, it would be by your deeds.For example, there are many gates in paradise, if you fast often, You might get a special gate. If you work really hard and you are good enough, there is the al arashi shade for you. If your solaat is good, you have passed thr first test, etc |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by fellis(f): 11:57am On May 28, 2013 |
[quote author=deols]
Actually, I don't see the inequality.Why is a woman's testimony in court equal to half of a man's testimony? I believe in the paradise. I believe in the satisfaction every one would get.@bold, what if I want a loving monogamous relationship with my spouse in paradise? I can't get that when he has the houris waiting for him can I? Also, I believe we are supposed to use our earthly feelings to judge the nature of paradise because some descriptions of paradise are made to appeal to our earthly senses, descriptions like sweet fruits, cool shades, beautiful maidens etc. If we cannot understand how paradise would be while we are on earth then we would not be able to understand and appreciate it enough to work towards it. You made really great points though. 2 Likes |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Nobody: 1:03pm On May 28, 2013 |
about the testimony
Some things you agree to first because Allah says so and his messenger revealed it. and talking about the nature of women and their sensitive nature, requiring two women to speak in the same tone is just so we can achieve Justice. It is not a bad idea at all. |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Nobody: 1:07pm On May 28, 2013 |
about monogamy,
I doubt that you'd want something you don't need. If there wont be jealousy, you may not desire monogamy that much ![]() and if you would want it, I believe you will get it. or maybe be a man and have houris ![]() 1 Like |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Paris_Love: 1:46pm On May 28, 2013 |
deols: Actually, I don't see the inequality. I believe in the paradise. I believe in the satisfaction every one would get.Why do you do need to fast often for this 'special gate' or the magic shade when you can always wish for anything in that paradise and get it? You can always wish for best freebies Allah has got to offer and get it. See this; “They shall have all that they will desire with their Lord. That is the reward of the good doers.” 39:34 For example I don't like running river he promised rather served in bottles. Simply wish it. |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Paris_Love: 1:52pm On May 28, 2013 |
@fellis see you don't have to worry about inequality in paradise anymore when you can desire equality and get it. You can also wish for your own 82 hot dudes and get it or a single spouse as the case may be. See problem solved.
![]() But since it's an open season for wishes lets hope someone else doesn't wish away your equality for women in paradise. Then you'd have to spend most of your time in paradise wishing and countering anti women wishes. And cycle continues... ![]() 1 Like |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by fellis(f): 2:00pm On May 28, 2013 |
deols: about the testimonySo that law places women in a position of inferiority doesn't it? ![]() and talking about the nature of women and their sensitive nature, requiring two women to speak in the same tone is just so we can achieve Justice. It is not a bad idea at all.but the hadith says that it is because women are deficient in intelligence not because they are sensitive. Sorry if you find my posts tedious or annoying but I just can't believe there is gender equality in Islam. Many things say otherwise for instance a man has his houris in paradise while he is on earth and they curse women who offend their husbands in marriage, there is no such thing for women. Secondly, another hadith says that angels curse a woman that upset her husband before he went to sleep. They curse her till daybreak, but no such thing for women etcetera etcetera |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by fellis(f): 2:01pm On May 28, 2013 |
Paris_Love: @fellis see you don't have to worry about inequality in paradise anymore when you can desire equality and get it. You can also wish for your own 82 hot dudes and get it or a single spouse as the case may be. See problem solved.Ok ma. Thank you very much for your helpful explanation. |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Nobody: 3:41pm On May 29, 2013 |
fellis: ^@lilbakar, Queen of paradise how? If all the Muslim women are going to queens that means their reward is nothing special. They still get the same husband they had on earth while their husbands get more wives. how is been a queen in paradise,and been superior to the houris not a special reward,remember she is superior in everything,please read my last post again,and carefully this time. its all about Quality and not Quantity. let me give u an example; i want a toy which i extremely love. my father gave me that one, and i am very happy with it, My brother wanted to have the same toy, but he got 70 toys which he didnt like. so who got more? my bro or me? my bro got more in quantity, but i got more in quality. at the end i am the happiest one as i am satisfied so it doesnt matter about the number of toys(huoris!). In paradise woman will not be less satisfied than man. The qur'an says in Surah An-Nisâ' (4):194: "And whoever does righteous good deeds, male or female, and is a true believer in the Oneness of Allâh, such will enter Paradise and not the least injustice, even to the size of aNaqîra (speck on the back of a datestone), will be done to them. this means that Allah will satisfy us with whatever we want, and not manipulate us. And our mind will not work same way in paradise like in this World, neither our feelings will be same like this world. Allah says in the Qur'an that in paradise is whatever the soul desires,not body desire but soul(imagine that),and in paradise the term dislike,unsatisied,uncontented,jelousy,hatred,slandering,backbitting,harsh words etc,all does not exist. and again Allah said in a hadithul qudsi that "what i have prepared for my servants in paradise is what the eyes have never seen nor the ears have ever heard,or the nose have ever peceived,or the minds have ever thought of, even to the least in paradise" so the whole thing about paradise is beyond our comprehension,what God has made known to us is that everything will be so fulfilling to everyone(male or female). AND CORNCERING HAVING THE SAME SPOUSE IN PARADISE,the prophet said that Allah will make us all to be youths of the age of 33yrs with bright faces like the moon,and very tall like Adam (AS) (90ft), and as beautiful as Yusuf (Joseph) so every one will be completely difrent.and our spouses will be absolutetly perfect,infact paradise as awhole is the hight of perfection. Having said that, the gretest reward for believers, men and women, in Jannah (Paradise) is not about spouses and sex,the greatest reward will be to view the Countenance (Appearance) of Allah (SWT). And for the believers there will be nothing more delightful than looking at Him (Allah) so please lets stop guessing about what will happen in paradise, Allah hasnt created our mind enough to understand how jannah(paradise) is.
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by fellis(f): 4:45pm On May 29, 2013 |
^ Seen.
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Dumkele_1: 7:29pm On May 29, 2013 |
Pls pardon me o but i've always wanted to know why sex is the major reward that the quran or islamic texts promise muslims. Are they saying sex is the ultimate.i mean if 'jannah' which is our own 'eternity' is going to be forever,there should be more meaning/purpose to that existence than just sex.
'how is been a queen in paradise,and been superior to the houris not a special reward,remember she is superior in everything,please read my last post again,and carefully this time. its all about Quality and not Quantity. let me give u an example; i want a toy which i extremely love. my father gave me that one, and i am very happy with it, My brother wanted to have the same toy, but he got 70 toys which he didnt like. so who got more? my bro or me? my bro got more in quantity, but i got more in quality. at the end i am the happiest one as i am satisfied so it doesnt matter about the number of toys(huoris!).' secondly,Lilbakar,does it mean d men do not like d huoris?if not why do they kill themselves for it.thank you 1 Like |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Gbamar(f): 9:19pm On May 29, 2013 |
Actually i didn't like discussING this issue,hardly thought of it till now but my point is that really i can't figure it out and i am not interested in any one opinion about the aforemention theme niether am i bother about it ONE THING IS CERTAIAN Allah KNOW BEST.
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Nobody: 7:57am On May 30, 2013 |
Dumkele_1: Pls pardon me o but i've always wanted to know why sex is the major reward that the quran or islamic texts promise muslims. Are they saying sex is the ultimate.i mean if 'jannah' which is our own 'eternity' is going to be forever,there should be more meaning/purpose to that existence than just sex.of course they will like the houris, but they are extra reward for men,because of the nature of their position,and for sure not all of them who kill themself for it get it,because most of them are transgressors,they do it out of ignorance or misunderstanding of the book.
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by BetaThings: 10:59pm On Jun 04, 2013 |
Dumkele_1: Pls pardon me o but i've always wanted to know why sex is the major reward that the quran or islamic texts promise muslims. Are they saying sex is the ultimate.i mean if 'jannah' which is our own 'eternity' is going to be forever,there should be more meaning/purpose to that existence than just sex. Are you sure of what you are saying (about sex) or are you just repeating what you heard from biased minds? BTW do you know that the opposite of heaven is hell, Is that not sufficient to induce good behaviour As long as the alternative is hellfire, the choice is clear Dumkele_1:Is Lilbakar suicidal? How is he to know Like Sheik Gumi said, no member of the family of the leader of Boko Haram has committed this much-desired suicide yet |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by alexis(m): 8:10am On Jun 05, 2013 |
Paris_Love: @fellis see you don't have to worry about inequality in paradise anymore when you can desire equality and get it. You can also wish for your own 82 hot dudes and get it or a single spouse as the case may be. See problem solved. 82 hunks and one babe - omo; how will the woman walk after that? |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by alexis(m): 8:15am On Jun 05, 2013 |
It is important for us to refer to the Quran and Hadith to describe the muslim heaven. So, while our muslim friends educate and explain to us. Can they please refer to the Quran and Hadith as authoritative sources for their explanation
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Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Nobody: 1:22pm On Jun 08, 2013 |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Aderoux: 7:48am On Jun 09, 2013 |
christians are swift in attacking muslims on this issue. yet they have not read their bible. jesus said in matthew19 :16-27. anyone who leaves lands, houses, wiv e e.t.c would get in return hundredfolds in the kingdom of my father. lest u forget hundredfolds can also mean 999
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by alexis(m): 7:38am On Jun 11, 2013 |
Aderoux: christians are swift in attacking muslims on this issue. yet they have not read their bible. jesus said in matthew19 :16-27. anyone who leaves lands, houses, wiv e e.t.c would get in return hundredfolds in the kingdom of my father. lest u forget hundredfolds can also mean 999 You don't need to use the bible to explain the muslim heaven - that is what you have the Quran and Hadith for. 1 Like |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by sexy-excalibur: 4:55am On Jun 12, 2013 |
Aderoux: christians are swift in attacking muslims on this issue. yet they have not read their bible. jesus said in matthew19 :16-27. anyone who leaves lands, houses, wiv e e.t.c would get in return hundredfolds in the kingdom of my father. lest u forget hundredfolds can also mean 999now look at what Jesus said here:::::::: "When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." (Mark 12:25). "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." (Matthew 22:30). :::::: oda part he was teaching abt getting eternal life,if u leave everytn 4 him..dt was wen d rich man asked him, what must i do 2b saved..............::.:::: |
Re: If 72 Virgins Are Giving To Muslim Men In Paradise(????)..whats For The Women? by Mee234: 2:41pm On Jun 15, 2013 |
The Muslim heaven remains me of the movie down to earth. Great chics and wine. No offend but this paradise sound like it is design to appeal to human sense. It is too sensual. No wonder it easy for some person to be misguided into killing in order to escape this depressing world
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