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The first evolutionary step that follows the rejection of God is the mind goes morally crazy. “Because that, when they  knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:21, 22) Godlessness leads to moral insanity. Quit a few years ago mayor Tom Bradley signed an ordinance which states if the chef in your restaurant has AIDS you can not fire him. Instead, the mayor says the cook should take care not to cut himself and when he does he should discard the food he bled on. Does the city council think their guidelines will stop a man from cutting himself? Is the city council willing to stake their lives on the infected cook disregarding food with blood in it, or even spitting in the salid or putting a drop of blood in the soup?

Some twisted minds actually believe AIDS is a plot to kill off homosexuals concocted by right wingers and the U.S. government. Chuck Ortleb, publisher of the homosexual paper, New York Native, said, “I think gay people have got to see themselves as being murdered.” The rumor persists that AIDS was developed for biological warfare at Fort Detrick in the late 1970s under the code name Operation Firm Hand. Ortleb is one of many who believe AIDS was developed at the Fort Detrick Center for Biological Warfare experiments in 1978 and is being used in a plot to kill all homosexuals.

Prostitutes in New York have the brilliance to pop plastic bags in their mouths before rendering oral sex, but not enough sense to quit their filthy trade. Such insane activity demonstrates how godless minds can go beserk. An Atlanta prostitute angrily complained to the press that their business was off 25 percent because the judges were telling their “Johns” they stood a good chance of getting AIDS; “And they are not telling us one thing about how we can keep from getting it.” We might have expected a ten-year-old to figure out the first thing they could do to protect themselves was to find a different line of work. “Fools make a mock of sin,” was never more obvious. In a venereal disease epidemic prostitution, fornication, adultery and homosexual sex are forms of insanity. And there are some learned people who thin our whole nation (Canada, U.S. ,Philippines Etcetera), “is insane>’ English novelist John Osborne, for one, calls America a “sexual nuthouse.” Other countries love to copy this sexual nuthouse as well!

It appars our godless, sex obsessed society is cracking up under the psychological pressures. Dr. P. A. Soroki, the former professor of sociology at Harvard University, said, “The weakened physical, emotional, and spiritual condition of the sex glutton usually makes him incapable of resisting the accompanying pressures, and he or she eventually cracks under their weight. He or he often ends by becoming a psychoneurotic or a suicide.” University campuses have become the breeding grounds of insane sex. The verse says “professing themselves to be wise” preceded their becoming “fools.” Intellectual arrogance flourishes on campuses. Some professors see themselves as too wise to submit to the truth of the Bible. They choose instead, the lunacy of filthy, homosexual practices.

During the fall 1985 semester at East Tennessee State University, police received a tip there was widespread homosexual activity in the school retrooms involving teachers and students. One was arrested, 17 others admitted usin the restrooms for sex and a lawsuit was filed to secure the campus police records. A homosexual would tap on the wall of his restroom stall. If the man in the ad-joining stall tapped back they would proceed to have sex. A “glory  hole” had been cut in the library restroom’s partition for the convenience of those wanting to have oral sex. Those desiring anal sex (How disgusting!)had to go to the trouble of climbing under the partition. Following the investigation a metal plate was put over the hole in the partition, but a few days later another was cut. One homosexual said, “I don’t know why we go there (The library restroom) There are other places to go, bur I dues it’s just exciting.”

You don’t find farmers sodomising each other through their barbed wire fences. This is the behavior of learned mn gone mad. As the Bible predicted in the “last days” men would be “heady, highminded…Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 4:1,4,7)  Sodomy in the midst of an AIDS epidemic is a form of insanity practiced by intellectuals who are ever learning but never able to come to the simple truth that their conduct is killing them. It is in the most scientifically advanced nations during the most intellectual period of history that sodomy, drug abuse and AIDS have flourished. Here men are “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

The mental effects of immorality, psychological as well as physiological, are scientifically provable. B.D. Jordan of Memorial-Sloan Kettering in New York underscored the fact that AIDS is accompanied by a deterioration of the mind: “What has not been well-emphasized are the early CNS problems with, first, forgetfulness, then increasing loss of mental ability. In 235 (AIDS cases he studied) dementia  has been far and away the most common diagnosis.” The affect of AIDS has been seen in the brain fluids of over 90 percent of the patients examined. Dr. Daniel Cappon, a Canadian psychiatrist at the University of Toronto who has treated hundreds of homosexuals states; “Homosexuality, by definition, is not healthy or wholesome…At worst, the homosexual person will die younger and suffer emotional, mental and physical illness more often than the normal person. The natural history of the homosexual person seems to be one of frigidity, impotence, broken personal relationships, psychosomatic disorders, alcoholism, paranoia, and suicide.” Dillying in rectums and chewing on genitals is as good scientific proof of “psychosomatic disorder.” As could ever be produced. Particularly in the age of AIDS, such practices are sheer insanity!

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