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When men or women refuse to give their hearts, their affections and their love to Jesus Christ they inevitably waste them on some silly idol. Every man/woman has a god. It has something he/she cherishes, some obsession, something they are devoted to above all else. That is their god, In the evolution of godless men and women, they “changed the glory of the uncorruptible  God into an image made like the corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.” (Romans 1:23). The AIDS generation chose sex for its god. Like pagan idolaters bowing before giant stone genitals, they are consumed by sex. And now the god of sex is requiring thousands of human sacrifices.

William D. Rodgers, the Denver author of The Gay Invasion, says, “Without exception practicing homosexuals are sex obsessed. They place their sexuality before everything else in life; before family, before friends, before God.” The average man diagnosed as a victim of AIDS has had sex with over 1,100 people. Without this national idolatry we would have had such an AIDS epidemic.

Homosexuals defend their sex god against all charges. As of October 1984, Frontiers, a Los Angeles homosexual publication, stated, “There is at this time no documented proof that AIDS is a sexually-transmitted syndrome.” Any thought of altering sexual behavior is viciously rejected by dedicated homosexuals. Michael Halquist quotes one homosexual as saying, “For gay men, sex, that most powerful implement of attachment and arousal, is also an agent of commune, replacing an often hostile family and even shaoing politics. Dr. Jacques Leibowitch states that the average number of sex partners for American homosexuals is 78 a year, while the record reaches around a thousand per year. As Larry Kramer says, “Sex has become the dominant aspect of homosexual relationships.” This sexual obsession has turned into a battle for sexual license and now they have to pay, God, through nature, exerts a revenge that is erratic, crude and deadly.

The sex-god has eroded our values, broken down our homes, rewritten our textbooks, corrupted the television and turned us to perversion. But the “tithes” of this idol are very high. “I am very scared to die such a young man. I would like a little more time,” a 28-year-old AIDS victim said. He is not a homosexual but readily admits to a life of promiscuity and prostitutes. “I’ve lived in the fast lane,” he confessed. “If only God will give me a break…” A break!  God gave His law, His Son’s life and His Spirit. He did all that He could, but the young man chose the god of sex and now the time has come to pay. If you saw Sonya Sherman you might think she was a model who had been sunning in the Bahamas. But you would be wrong on both counts. Sonya was a lovely young lady who fell in love. She set a date and planned her wedding. Having grown up in a sex-obsessed generation that says there is no use in waiting until the wedding, she did not. Then Sonya made the shocking discovery that her fiancé was bisexual; “AC-DC.” He had had boyfriends as well as girlfriends.

She broke off the engagement and set out to start over in life. Three years later Sonya developed night sweats and high fever and was diagnosed as having AIDS. She was dismissed by the senior partners of her Washington law firm for fear of exposure. They put her on part-salary and sent her home. Sonya’s body, unable to fight diseases, has developed pneumonia and diabetes. She has lost her hearing. Her brown complexion which appears to be the result of tanning is actually a skin discoloration produced by a medication she is taking. This young victim has arranged for her cremation, shopped for an urn to hold her ashes and written a will. She is leaving her cat, Nelson, to her younger brother. Sonya reminisces about the days with her fiancé, “When he and I were engaged we had never even heard of AIDS.” Her beautiful body was dishonord by this disease and now Sonya has to die.

Sexual idolatry even has its martyrs. Two men tied themselves together at the waist and shared a final bottle of wine in a room decorated with freshly cut flowers, Then they jumped from the window of the thirty-fifth floor of their New York luxury apartment. Charles Villalonga, a 43-year-old, U. S. Department of Agriculture market specialist and Gilbert Rodgriquez, 44, a potter, artist and part time chef chose suicide over the slower agony of AIDS that plagued them both. Maurice Farber, a neighbor who wrote the book Theory of Suicide said, “Charles was seriously ill, but he never disclosed to me that he had AIDS. Joseph Rispoli, whose apartment was just above the pavement where the two hit, called their suicides “ a very violent statement. They could have done themselves in in their own apartment. Obviously they were trying to say something.” What they were saying with the wine and flowers was it was “beautiful.” The rope declared “together to the death.” Their death said, “We are happy martyrs of the sex god we lived for.”


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